According to medical studies, fibromyalgia is a nervous disorder. It gives birth to insomnia, memory loss, mood swings, and constant fatigue. People start to experience severe physical trauma before getting victimized by fibromyalgia pain. Women suffer more from fibromyalgia than men.
Cannabis or medical marijuana is counted as a natural remedy for this pain. Regular exercise and marijuana consumption can reduce this nervous problem to some extent.
Fibromyalgia and the components of medical marijuana –
Those who suffer from fibromyalgia pain should take medical marijuana as a treatment option. It has two active compounds, CBD and THC. Both have been providing a sense of relief to fibromyalgia patients.
CBD: CBD does not provide psychoactive and intoxicating effects to the body. And if you can use CBD-only products, the psychoactive effects can be avoided.
THC: Contrary to CBD, THC provides a psychoactive and intoxicating effect to the body naturally. These compounds play a very crucial role in stimulating the cannabinoid neurons and receptors in the brain. After you take THC, it switches on the brain’s reward system and increases psychoactivity. It leads to reduce the pain levels.
Methods of consuming cannabis –
You can use marijuana in two ways, such as:
Ingestion: It is the oral way of consuming cannabis. It can be done by having ice creams, biscuits, and cookies. This way compels the cannabis to last longer in your body but it also takes a long time for starting the effects.
Smoking: Many people prefer to smoke marijuana because it is the fastest way to get relief from the pain. Taking vapour is also a good way to consume cannabis.
Several proofs of marijuana as the treatment for fibromyalgia pain –
After testing the treatment of fibromyalgia with marijuana, in 2011, Plus One, a highly respected journal, published that eighty-one percent of individuals who have participated in that treatment, developed better sleep quality.
In 2018, a review of the nap study also declared that it was proved that marijuana can improve sleep quality. But this result may be short-term. There was no evidence that marijuana could do it in the long term.
The peer-reviewed research and studies have also shown the effectiveness of marijuana in treating mood swings, mild headaches, migraines, anxiety attacks, and loosen stiff muscles.
And it is expected that more researches will publish about its effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of fibromyalgia pain.